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EMF Necklace


The Stone Necklace, in the Enhanced Energy System, is designed, with balancing and regenerative functions in mind, to assist in stopping energy interrupters and re-establishing the flow of harmonious, positive, Universal Energy.  The stones may be worn as a necklace, or placed in a pouch, to wear hanging over the center of the body’s energy field.



The Stone Necklace, in the Enhanced Energy System, is designed, with balancing and regenerative functions in mind, to assist in stopping energy interrupters and re-establishing the flow of harmonious, positive, Universal Energy.  The stones may be worn as a necklace, or placed in a pouch, to wear hanging over the center of the body’s energy field.

Here is a brief explanation of the characteristics and energies of each of the Stone Necklace’s Sacred Balancing Stones.

SMOKEY QUARTZ: Medicine Wheel Position – West – Seeks Council.  It is one of the most powerful grounding and clearing stones available.  It clears the aura and energetic systems, bringing healing energies into the body.  It is worn for emotional support, assisting in removing mental and emotional blockages. It helps to dissolve anger and resentment, relieves pain, and disperses negativity from the body.  Smokey Quartz has the frequencies needed to detoxify and protect from harmful electromagnetic radiation.  It is an excellent stone to protect from conflicting electromagnetic energies, such as – computers, cell phones, and microwaves. It is also a powerful assist, in recovering from exposure to low-level radiation sources.

TURQUOISE: Medicine Wheel Position – South – Looks Within, Hoop – Nervous System.  It is known as the “Healer’s Stone,” and has the ability to heal the body on many levels.  Perhaps this is why the Tribes of the Southwest use it as a general body tonic.  Turquoise combines the Water, Wind, Fire and Earth energies, thereby containing the power and unity of the Storm element.  It “controls” the storm that sometimes rages within us, and balances all the systems at once.  This kind of balance is essential in today’s hectic world, where conflicting energetic messages, coming from all directions at once, seem to be the norm for many people.

CITRINE: Medicine Wheel Position East – Sees Far, Center.  It enhances balance and healing, at all levels, because of its ability to regulate the Endocrine System.  It can be very important in balancing stress, as it levels out the Adrenals, and reduces the production of Fight or Flight Hormones.

CARNELIAN AGATE: Medicine Wheel Position – Center – Core Motivation.  This smaller-cut stone may be of many colors, from clear to the reds and oranges.  It lends vitality and energy to the physical body and is the “Core or Corner,” of the stones, that gives courage.  Cornelian is the source of the “extra energy,” which is often needed in healing, or when a new direction is desired, assisting one to overcome the fears that can stop their progress. It is very supportive when old, bad habits are to be thrown off.  It lends courage to “take the leap,” and dedicate oneself to a new path.   Carnelian encourages one to stop waiting for one’s dreams to appear, and instead, begin to direct one’s own experiences as channels for Divine Will.  Carnelian is an excellent support for detoxifying from harmful substances and in breaking negative or hurtful physical habits.  It is a positive aid to the Immune System, balancing creativity and mental processes.

UNAKITE: Medicine Wheel Position – South – Looks Within, Center.  Its energy is said to stimulate the healing of disease, brought on by the repression of emotions, such as cancer (anger) and heart disease (fear and resentment).  Unakite supports healthy tissues, in general, and is particularly useful for promoting the physical health of the heart and the lungs.  Its green and pink colors reveal its ability to balance the physical and the emotional aspects of the heart.  This stone assists in truly releasing the negative emotions, habitual thoughts, and inner dialogues that create each one of us.

YELLOW JADE: Medicine Wheel Position – East – Sees Far.  It is a symbol of unity and perfect tranquility, soothing the nervous system, and reducing stress.  It is important in unifying the functions of other stones, with which it is placed. Yellow Jade is excellent for physical detoxification, assisting the body in maintaining a normal alkalinity, and supporting the healing of bones.  It balances metabolism and appetite, supporting natural weight-management.

ONYX FLINT: Medicine Wheel Position – West – Seeks Council, Center – Core Motivation.  Flint is an Earth Element of amazing power and intensity.  Though its primary function is that of grounding, it reaches its energetic tendrils far into the higher vibrational domains, bringing the highest frequencies of the spiritual world into manifestation, in the physical world.  It is known as the DNA Stone because it, “remembers,” the First Day of Creation and the original sequences, in all things.  Emotionally, it settles, calms, and dissipates excess emotional energies.  When other stones are placed between the Onyx Flint and Smoky Quartz, they become powerful assistants, in restoring damaged DNA.

1 review for EMF Necklace

  1. Cynthia

    I am giving this 5 Stars before I even receive it! WHY? Because I use only Vibrant Blue Oils due to Acute Adrenal Insufficiency and EVERY ONE does Exactly what you say it does!!! I have very bad reactions from EMF’s and there is a 5 G tower 40 ft from my home!!! Thank you for all you do !!! All of your products are REMARKABLE!!! Can not WAIT to receive this! I also wear a lot of Shungite and have towers around my home. This will be a nice addition to my EMF fighting tools!

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